Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality Policy
As CEO, I believe that safety, health, and environmental awareness are integral parts of our organization’s quality system. Today, these aspects can no longer be separated from other business aspects. I aim to carry out the entrusted tasks to the satisfaction of our customers in terms of both quality and continuity. I want to work with care for the well-being of our staff and all involved parties, both physically and psychosocially. I wish to comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and, beyond that, contribute to a healthier environment and climate for the communities in which Circet Benelux operates, as well as for future generations.
For me, safety, health, and environmental awareness are a priority. I expect all employees to follow my lead, and I expect our leaders to set an example in this regard. I am committed to implementing a policy focused on a qualitative, safe, and environmentally friendly approach in the various business activities/products/services. This safety and environmental policy goes hand in hand with continuity and profitability. In this context, I emphasize the prevention of personal injury, the safety of third parties, and the protection of the environment, including pollution prevention and the safeguarding of biodiversity and ecosystems.
Safety can be promoted through proper work preparation, risk assessment, workplace inspection before deployment, and training in the use of personal protective equipment. Circet Benelux cannot afford environmental damage or material damage to third parties. Third parties employed by us and subcontractors must also embrace this safety mindset. Safety provisions will be an integral part of our cooperation agreements.
I also want to highlight the commitment to environmental management as an integral part of our corporate policy. The aim is to minimize the impact of our projects and operations on the environment and climate and to comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations. Circet Benelux will continuously strive to improve performance in this area by optimizing waste streams and actively working to reduce our carbon footprint. I will establish this through measurable objectives and by implementing appropriate measures to prevent or mitigate negative impacts. Additionally, I promote sustainability in our supply chain and encourage environmentally conscious behavior among all our employees and partners.
I aim to pursue continuous improvement of the safety, health, environmental, and quality management system. I believe this can be achieved through personal inspections by the members of my management team, a careful analysis of shortcomings, and compliance with our obligations.
I will review this statement within three years to assess its alignment with the needs of the organization and the community and revise it where necessary.
On behalf of the management,
Bavo De Cock